Today on the Creative Juice Show, we interview Dale Majors. Starting with just $50, Dale began selling bike parts on ebay. That $50 turned into hundreds, then thousands and a decade later his business Bike Wagon became a top 10 cycling internet retailer with $10 million in annual revenue. One of the most impressive things about Dale is he created systems in his business that enabled him to take 2 months away each summer to travel abroad with his family during his highest revenue months. Dale talks about how the most important thing you can do for your business is working on yourself. How you have to separate yourself from the failures and successes of your business, from the ups and downs. Running a business will be a rollercoaster so if you aren't able to separate the two, it can be more difficult than it has to. This is a great episode with tons of amazing advice. We hope you enjoy!
Dale's free assessment quiz he mentioned in the podcast:
Free MasterClass from Dale:
Paul Heslop Instagram :
Dale Majors Instagram: