Happy 2019, all you creative women!
We are back bringing you podcasts every Wednesday and are starting with our words of the year!
Have you gotten your word yet? Don’t worry, it’s what we are talking about today.
I am talking about my word of the year, why I chose it and how it came to be my word.
Who is we?
Yep, I am introducing/welcoming Tori (my sister) to the CWL today. YES!
She gives a brief overview of her working life, what brought her to the Creative Women’s League and how she is going to help you (and me!) out with our businesses.
But back to the word, still having trouble? We have created a great download to help you workshop your word out for 2019, find it at www.thecwl.com/episode109
Be sure to subscribe to our podcast where ever you listen, and leave a review. It helps other awesome, creative women find our episodes!
I also reference my blog post about a creative bucket list.
Head over to Tough Kitten Crafts if you wanna learn more about it and write one with me!
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