Sermon: “The Spiritual Discipline of Generosity” (1 Chronicles 29:14-15)
Opening Hymn: “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” (LSB #733)
Hymn of the Day: “The Lord’s Shepherd, I’ll Not Want” (LSB #710)
Communion Hymns: “Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray” (LSB #623)
“Children of the Heavenly Father” (LSB #725)
“Thy Body, Given for Me, O Savior” (LSB #619)
Closing Hymn: “Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me” (LSB #722)
Old Testament: 1 Chronicles 29:10-16 (NLT)
Epistle: 1 Timothy 6:6-12
Holy Gospel: Matthew 6:19-21, 24-33