Welcome! Our anchor verse for this series is: “...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith...” Hebrews 12:1-2Here are all of the links mentioned in todays episode.DIGITAL CONNECT CARD (https://crossroadscolorado.com/connectcard)ONLINE GIVING TOOL (https://pushpay.com/g/crossroadscolorado?src=hpp)TALK NOTES-PDF (https://crossroadscolorado.com/talknotes)TALK NOTES-FILLED-IN (https://crossroadscolorado.com/talknotes-filled-in/)TALK NOTES-YOUVERSION (https://bible.com/events/48784829)THE FEED: WEEKLY E-NEWSLETTER (https://crossroadscolorado.com/home-page/thefeed/)CLOSING SONG: Reckless Love (https://music.apple.com/us/album/reckless-love/1320253615?i=1320253941) by Cory AsburyThe Blessing:Today as you leave this room, log off your computer or end this podcast,May you find yourself consumed by the love of God. May you have the confidence in Christ to acknowledge your need for forgiveness.May you understand the healing power of repentance. For those of you consumed by resentment and the desire for revenge, May you accept that the person who created the wound is incapable of healing that wound. May you trust that only God can heal and make your wounds sacred. May we all come to believe like Jesus:That divine forgiveness is the foundation for holistic health and healing.As you find the faith to forgive others, May God grow in you compassion, empathy and grace for those who have wounded you.And now, God, our Father, the heavenly householder of the world, May your reputation be honored through our actions this week. May our actions bring your will, your vision of this world, from heaven to earth this week.Meet our daily needs.Open our hearts and hands so that we might meet the daily needs of others.Forgive us of our wounding as we forgive those who wound us.And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from our selfish desires.Amen.