Crypto tax calculations in South Africa generally fall under either Capital Gains Tax or Income Tax. Traders are taxed on their entire crypto profits, deducting any allowable expenses, at their normal income tax rate. Investors, on the other hand, are taxed on 40% of their capital gains, with an annual allowance of R40,000. What are key methods used to calculate crypto tax for both traders and investors? On this episode, we answer this question.
Hosted by Christo de Wit, Country Manager, Luno South Africa. We’re joined by a leading expert who will help demystify the world of crypto tax:
Luno (Pty) Ltd is an authorised FSP, reg no. 53314. The information does not constitute financial or tax advice, nor a solicitation to trade. Luno makes no warranties or representations as to the veracity of any information provided by guest speakers. Tax consequences depend on your individual circumstances as a taxpayer. You should always consult with your own tax advisor for definitive advice.