Honey is often said to have healing powers, but how much of that is true, and how much a myth? In this episode, Rosie looks into the effects of honey on healing and hay fever, and why eating too much of some types of honey might be a bad thing. In our SNPit, Ash discusses some new research showing that, like humans, octopuses might be having dreams.
Episode Sources:
- Wasps, bees and ants: nature’s honey makers.
- Manuka honey inhibits the development of Streptococcus pyogenes biofilms and causes reduced expression of two fibronectin binding proteins.
- Honey could be effective at treating and preventing wound infections.
- Honey: A Biologic Wound Dressing.
- Patients Should Ask Surgeons About Using Honey To Heal Wounds.
- New Study Says Honey Is Better For Colds Than Drugs. Here's What You Need to Know.
- Honey Could Be Making Us Sick Due to Contamination With Liver-Harming Toxins, Study Suggests.
- Octopuses, like humans, sleep in two stages.
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AhDah Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com).
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