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FAQs about Culfidant:How many episodes does Culfidant have?The podcast currently has 34 episodes available.
May 05, 2023How did rtdrs processing help resolving repeated late rent paymentsI’m going to share with you how did we utilize RTDRS process to resolve the case when tenants are repeated late on rents...more14minPlay
October 12, 2021从蒸汽房奇遇所想到的...通过一件在在健身中心蒸汽房所发生的奇遇,同房东朋友们分享一个如何积极有效的处理于租客常发生矛盾的共同原理... 希望对房东朋友们能有所帮助。...more12minPlay
October 08, 2021Stayed 14 months in a house that is too old?In this episode we shared a true story on how we know the potential prospect is going to be a good fit or not based on some simple but alarming data and how to dig deeper to find the real truth, hopefully it can help you to screen your talents and find the the best ones to enjoy your rental home for the years to come....more13minPlay
October 08, 2021Stayed in 14 months in the house that is too old?In this true story, we shared a basic principle on how to dig deeper to find more valuable tools that can simply starting some simple but alarming data points.......more13minPlay
October 08, 202114个月老房子 中英文 Stayed 14 months in a house that is too old?In this episode we shared a true story on how to screen some undesirable talents based on simple but alarming data.. 在这个真实的小故事中,我们和大家一起分享,如何通过细微的细节来发现潜在的租客是否是你所需要的......more24minPlay
September 03, 2021房屋出租的真实故事集在这个短 音频集中,我们会跟大家分享一些真实的房屋出租中的故事,并通过这些故事能够跟大家分享一些可借鉴的经验和教训,希望对您的房地产出租和投资有所借鉴,谢谢。...more48minPlay
July 02, 2021西游记黑天鹅和房地产投资。西游记黑天鹅和房地产投资, 这三个听起来毫不相干的题目,其实有着紧密相关的内在联系。将三个概念融会贯通以后,你会掌握房地产成功正果的真谛。...more15minPlay
FAQs about Culfidant:How many episodes does Culfidant have?The podcast currently has 34 episodes available.