Welcome to Episode Four of The Culture Burger Podcast! Join our guest Kelly Butler (Chief Wellbeing Officer of the XP Trust) as he gives us an overview of what Equity looks like at the XP Trust. “We build our community through activism, leadership and equity, sharing our stories as we go...” This one sentence took us seven years to write. It is the best and most important - the greatest - work we will ever do. Nothing needs to be added and nothing can be taken away. Everything comes from this. It is a universal design pattern. It will never change. Not in a thousand years. The more we invest in understanding it, the more dividends we will be paid back. It is not just for schools. It is for any organisation of human beings; local communities, districts, countries, the world even. In 2012, Andy Sprakes and Gwyn ap Harri decided to open a school, XP in Doncaster. They wrote a book about it called, “How We XP”. It’s now 2022 and they now run eight schools in the XP Trust. Schools are complex; they are made up of billions of human interactions every day, and each day is never the same as another. The same child never steps into the same school twice. The process they followed to build XP was instinctive and unconventional and therefore hard to understand by others outside the few main drivers of the organisation. What they needed to do was unpack this instinct, these intrinsic methods, so they could teach others. The learning about these methods is still ongoing, but worth sharing now - and what better way to share with the world than a podcast!