This episode marks the turning period of the CumCorrectPodcast. The next season, I will be interviewing people who make a difference in this world. People who are living up to their own standards. People who are living their best life by helping others find theirs. This is been the most important mark of my journey as a human being in this time and space continuum. I believe the highlighting the superheroes of today amongst the ordinary people will serve well for those who may have given up or forgot that they also matter.
The idea is to create your world don’t just exist in this one. Though the title of my podcast might seem a bit sexual… If you haven’t been able to determine already, it’s very far from that. However, I do find sexuality to be a strong portion of our lives, and the very exact reason for our existence. I take the topic of sex on seriously and from all angles, so as we venture into the next series of episodes in season 3, the context of all episodes will begin to gel together and possibly make even more sense to those of you who have been subscribing to this journey because you believe in it, or you believe because of it.
Helping humanity has been the main focus of my life because I’ve realized in age I genuinely always just wanted to help myself. Though we don’t and should not be or need to be people, pleasers… to provide a service, or express moments of servitude within humanity will and can be the most fulfilling areas of one’s life because after all, if you’re not doing that, are you truly living?
You should selfishly give to yourself first by making sure that whatever you do someone else can learn from you. Your responsibility is not making sure that they learn… Your responsibility is making sure that you are living that life that one can witness and feel inspired or encouraged because of. This is why bad people, bad guys, villains… are not needed but do exist. Yes even bad people are serving a purpose also because they inspire others to be better.
Learn to love what you hate, and you will find this journey the most satisfying ever imaginable. Learn to be unbothered, however allow yourself to be vulnerable enough that if you don’t feel fulfilled, you yearn and learn to go inside of self and clean out your IMMORAL CORNER, so that all of you may be on display again. Stop hiding from yourself because after all everything is #SelfProjection.
You don’t have to honor or worship the sides of you that are in your “immoral corner“ however, you do have to acknowledge them. Personality traits are much like children, that you may birth in this life, or create in this life… Even when you get a “bad one“ you still must take care of it. It, much like you, is YOUR responsibility.
To the best of your abilities if nothing else, you must at least acknowledge it, call it by name, let it know it cannot grow because things only grow in the darkness. Uncover your truth and the darker side of you, so that all of you may be bright enough to burn away the imperfections that play games in your mind.