A healthy workforce is good for business! Mentally and physically healthy employees mean reduced staff turnover and less absences, which can increase productivity with less money being paid out on sick leave.
To help businesses improve the wellbeing of their staff, the government is piloting a new scheme in Cumbria and Lancashire, which will give businesses an 80% discount on the cost of running workplace health assessments.
We're joined on the podcast this month by Tracey Hudson of Intelligent OH, who are a provider delivering the scheme. Tune in to find out more about how a workplace health assessment can give you actionable advice to help you look after your employees and boost productivity.
For more information, go to contact www.intelligentoh.com/funding or contact Tracey Hudson on 07983 272 357 or email [email protected]
Information regarding Access to Work funding is available here: Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: What Access to Work is - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)