This is Julie, she has lived with Lyme disease, she was diagnosed in 2016 after 6 years of misdiagnosis. After her trip to Asia, she quickly became sick, dealing with so many different physical symptoms, as well as major mental health struggles as well. She lived with depression and anxiety for years, and it wasn't until she worked with a naturopath that helped her get her diagnosis with lyme, who then helped her get in touch with a Lyme literate doctor. Indicating that she had Lyme and malaria, parasites and Epstein bar. So she started a 10 month protocol, a very expensive out of pocket protocol at that! This protocol was constantly changing her physical health and mental wellbeing. The Herxing effect was immense that caused so many severe psychological effects, she mentions that the words depression and anxiety don't even describe the effects that she was living with, feeling bouts of manic and psychosis - a complete roller coaster. She lives day to day, good days and bad days but continues to stay strong for herself and advocating for others.