For the kick-off episode I thought it was important to pay tribute to some friends in an international community of thought leaders who know the value of Starting with Why. The Ynternational (Why International) community was spawned off connections made inside workshops we had each attended on Simon Sinek's platform of live online classes. [ ]
From a WhatsApp group, to Discord server, to WYRED, a free 3 day international summit with no budget and no sponsors...and no asking people for money... just pure value add [ ] I'm humbled to be part of a group of thought leaders who've inspired me to keep the conversations going through this podcast. In this episode we start with why and talk more about how we came together and the future of The Curious Idealist.
06:10 - Why this podcast?
11:36 - Hopes / Vision / Expectation for the future of The Curious Idealist Podcast?
17:39 - Future topics for the Curious Idealist?
20:23 - How to stay connected with the people this reaches?
24:23 - Connecting virtually on a real level?
To connect with/follow anyone from this roundtable:
Ying Pan [ New York / China ]
"My why is to connect and inspire people with intention so that together we are uplifting each other to live an extraordinary life."
Legal work in banking, and community builder (aka - the social pick-up artist) Aparicio [ Peru / Germany ]
"My why is to light unseen possibilities so that we can create real sh*t from things we think are too far away to actually work."
Consultancy for small independent firms [He gets your brand un-stuck] Marie C. Baguinat [ Singapor ]
"My why is to connect generations so that together we can honor and celebrate each other."
Artist | L&D Consultant | Facilitator | Curriculum Designer | Digital Transformation & Learning Agility Specialist Freeman [ Atlanta, GA - USA ]
"My why is to love people generously for exactly who they are so that we can become the fullest, most authentic expressions of ourselves."
Founder, Lead Facilitator & Coach at Flourishing Work LLC | MBTI® Certified | MBA
"I empower others to strive everyday becoming a better version of themselves, so that we together create the freedom to live our true colors."
Strategic Data Manager Ciciola [ Canada ]
"I connect people to possibility so that we build a more courageous world and lay the foundations of growth and innovation"
Contact Center Consultant at Promethee Consultants
Inspiring Hope Through Creativity
Facilitator, Coach, Platform Speaker | Creative Artist | Writer Links / Resources