The Nodes of the Moon are moving through Taurus (North Node) and Scorpio (South Node). As a result, all of this year's eclipses will be in those signs. The first eclipse is a partial New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus at 10 degrees and 28 minutes. It will take place on Saturday, April 30, at 4:28 pm EST. This is happening one day after Pluto, at 28 degrees of Capricorn, will station retrograde and stay retrograde until the beginning of October. This is some really powerful energy for setting a new intention, changing a habit, or making a major transformation in the area of life (house) that Taurus occupies in your chart. Then we have an extraordinarily strong Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees and 18 minutes of Scorpio. It will take place on Sunday, May 15 at 9:13 pm PST and on Monday, May 16, 12:13 am EST. A Full Moon is about releasing and this will be very deep, potentially dark things, that you no longer need to hold on to. The South Node is moving through Scorpio and represents the collective karma of the planet. Lots of old things will be shaken up so they can be faced. Look and see what house is ruled by Scorpio in your chart and that will give you more insight into how you will experience this energy. If you have anything near either one of these eclipse degrees, especially your Sun, Moon, Midheaven, or AC, then “Buckle Up Buttercup!”