7 reasons why you should have a Custom Facebook Page
1. It provides a "public" location for your business on a powerful trust building platform.
Facebook now accounts for 35% of all internet traffic. It is probably a good idea to have a presence on this platform, especially if your product or service is directed to the consumer.
2. Links are active and the page is viewable even to people not on Facebook.
Facebook pages are indexed by Google and will appear in searches. Getting the extra exposure is well worth it for your business or organiztion.
It really is like having a free website. Of course you must remember that you don't own it. (We will discuss that more in email number 3)
So since your page can be found and viewed by even those outside of Facebook, why not have one?
3. You can separate your personal and business.
I personally like this one a lot. Unlike other platforms that are based on your personal profile, a Facebook Page can actually show no ties to you personall at all. This is a great way to separate personal, family and friends activity on Facebook from professional and business activity.
4. Provides a multi-media portal for content sharing.
Facebook is willing to host your videos and photos for you for free. If you understand using video and images as a part of your marketing efforts you will take right to this feature.
There is so much that you can do a lot with video, photos and audio on Facebook. (More on that in email number 7).
5. Provides an active location for engagement.
Engagement after all is the heart of Social Media. A two way conversation with the business and its customers. I know of some businesses that are actually using it as their primary means of customer service. Talk about a Cost Reduction strategy!
6. Leverage your own personal networks.
Do you have large social networks already? You can leverage that with a Facebook Page. Even if your network is just starting out you can get the most from it using a Facebook Page. If your someone that does business face to face give people a reason to like your page. Then you have an ongoing connection with that person after meeting them.
7. If you have employees they can become business evangelists.
Talk about a new and innovative way of marketing your business using the assets you already have. Your employees. With a carefully devised Social Media Policy you can actually leverage your own work force in promoting your business. One example that comes to mind is restaurants. Imagine all the employees connecting with their networks. Letting their friends know about specials or events coming up. That is powerful!
Finally you should also customize a landing page on your Facebook Page. This helps give you a unique branding and provides the messaging to your target market.
Would love to hear your reasons for having a Facebook Page as well. Just enter your comments below.
Peter Brissette
Custom Facebook Page Template