In this episode, Patrick, Brian, and Eddie share key learnings from #CUE18. The team recaps each day of CUE and shares highlights from presentations they attended and shares resources from the presenters.
Build your PLN from following some of these amazing #CUE18 Presenters:
Eddie Simoneau: @simonometry
Brian Carnes: @edtechamatics
Patrick Beal: @paradigm_21c
Esmeralda Chavez: @techknohow
CVUSD iCenter: @CVUSDiCenter
Cahuilla CUE: @CahuillaCUE
CUE: @cueinc
Tom Covington: @TechTomBUSD
Michael Jephcott: @TechMikeBUSD
John Eick: @John_Eick
Kyle Anderson: @AndersonEdTech
Ari Flewelling: @EdTechAri
Cynthia Nixon: @TeachingTechNix
Brian Briggs: @bribriggs
Ryan O’Donnell: @creativeedtech
Matt Miller: @jmattmiller
Alice Keeler: @alicekeeler
Jon Corippo: @jcorippo
Jennifer Dean: @Miss_Dean
Amanda Haughs: @MsHaughs
Adam Juarez: @techcoachjuarez
Kat Goyette: @kat_goyette
Ed Campos: @edcampOSjr
Kelly Martin: @kmartintahoe
….and so many others!!!
#WeAreCUE #BetterTogether