The educational system is continually evolving with an assortment of options. Special guests, Will Burns and Mercer Carlin, share their own personal experiences in the educational system as well as the educational choices they both made with their own children. Will chose a traditional education with his children while Mercer chose a self-directed education for her child. What is possible when a child chooses what they want to learn? Do children learn best when they make their own decisions about what they want to learn? Do children learn more from their culture and environment than from the material that is imposed upon them? We dive deep into the advantages and some possible disadvantages of both educational systems. Neither is better or worse. We discuss the differences and allow you to weigh out the options.
President of The Agile Learning Center Network
The Agile Learning Center
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Book mention: "Raising Free People" by Akilah Richards
Podcast mention: "Fare Of The Free Child" by Akilah Richards
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