In our interview with HAZMAT Mike, he gave us 4 basic principles to follow as non-HAZMAT responders who may be presented with a HAZMAT situation.
1. Approach the incident from the upwind position. Imagine the chemicals are a fire, approach with the smoke blowing the opposite direction to your approach.
2. Protect yourself as much as possible using whatever your organization has such as gloves, goggles and respiratory protection when dealing with persons who are affected. 3. Be aware of the 'Site Security' such as taping off areas to keep other people out of the 'Hot Area'.
4. Identify and report the chemical that has been released.
HAZMAT Mike has also developed an online 'HAZMAT Material Specialist' course. This course is the highest certification for hazardous materials responders in the USA. This certification allows HAZMAT Teams to advance in various Federal Levels and would be of great benefit to responders worldwide. It is offered through using the course code; OSH4180.
To find out more about 'Scene Safety For The Non-HAZMAT Responder' and the 'HAZMAT Material Specialist' course - Pop on the kettle, take off the PPE, Recharge your SCBA Cylinder, throw the BSI gloves in the medical bin and sit back and enjoy the premier emergency response chat.