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- ceremony /ˈserəmoʊni/n. 仪式;典礼;礼节
- splash /splæʃ/v. 溅起(水花);泼洒;n. 溅泼声;溅出的水(或泥等);(光、色等的)斑点
- horrify /ˈhɔːrɪfaɪ/v. 使震惊;使害怕
- erosion /ɪˈroʊʒn/n. 侵蚀;腐蚀;磨损
- patriotic /ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk/adj. 爱国的
Adu: Man, did you see that ceremony on TV last night? (阿呆:兄弟,你昨晚在电视上看到那个仪式了吗?)
Agua: No, I missed it. What happened? (阿瓜:没有,我错过了。发生了什么?)
Adu: There was this huge splash on stage, and the guy's face was priceless! (阿呆:舞台上有个巨大的水花,那家伙的表情太逗了!)
Agua: Haha, that sounds hilarious. But you know what would be even more horrifying? (阿瓜:哈哈,听起来很搞笑。但你知道什么更可怕吗?)
Adu: What? (阿呆:什么?)
Agua: If the erosion of our favorite beach gets any worse, we won't have a place to sunbathe! (阿瓜:如果我们最喜欢的海滩的侵蚀再严重一点,我们就没地方晒太阳了!)
Adu: Oh no, that's patriotic of you to worry about our beach! (阿呆:哦不,你担心我们的海滩,真够爱国的!)
Agua: Well, I just don't want to see it disappear. Let's do something about it! (阿瓜:嗯,我只是不想看到它消失。我们做点什么吧!)