TO CELEBRATE BLACK HISTORY MONTH WE WILL BE INTERVIEWING DR. SHAUN POWELL THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN TO SELL OUT THE RITZ THEATER HERE IN JACKSONVILLE FL TUNE TODAY CLICK LINK IN BIO TO WATCH N LISTEN LIVE ON FACEBOOK OR CATCH THE SHOW ON OTHER STREAMING PLATFORMS ….. Dr. Shaun Powell is an entrepreneur, writer, and humanitarian from Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Powell received her Doctoral Degree in Christian Counseling from St. Thomas Christian University. Dr. Powell is the first African-American female to sell out the Historic Ritz Theatre with an original stage play. Dr. Powell accomplishments and work ethics has constituted a lasting partnership with the Ritz Theatre of Jacksonville, FL. In addition to writing, directing and producing, she is the ghostwriter to several authors. Dr. Powell, assist numerous ministries in Jacksonville that are helping to improve the needs of the less fortunate by coordinating fundraisers and activities.