| 时间线 |
01:00 开场曲:六十年代最有名的民谣
04:55 十九世纪中叶西方进入中国,入侵的屈辱和开放的热情在国人脑海里同时产生
06:39 容闳是首个从耶鲁大学走出的中国人,为实现现代化之梦甚至投奔过太平天国
08:09 一开始留学美国的孩子竟大多都是穷学生
10:02 第一批幼童来到旧金山受到的巨大冲击
17:36 留美少年们的留学生涯被迫中断于1881年
| 工具箱 |
《幸运儿——晚清留美幼童的故事》(Fortune Sons)
利尔·莱博维茨(Liel Leibovitz)与马修·米勒(Matthew Miller)合著,以丰富史料编织了詹天佑等首批中国幼童前往美国留学的过程始末。
Blowing in the Wind
由诺贝尔文学奖获得者鲍勃·迪伦写于1962年,以单曲形式发行并收录于1963年的专辑The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand
How many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea
How many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free
How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
How many times must a man look up
Before he really see the sky
How many ears must one person have
Before he can hear people cry
How many deaths will it take
Till he knows that too many people have died
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
郑观应(1842 - 1921)
容闳(1828 - 1912)
詹天佑(1861 - 1919)
铁路工程专家。詹天佑 12 岁留学美国,毕业后归国任教,并主持修建京张铁路等工程,被誉为中国首位铁路总工程师。
唐绍仪(1862 - 1938)
清末民初政治活动家、外交家。曾任北洋大学(现天津大学)、山东大学校长。同治十三年( 1874 年),唐绍仪成为第三批留美幼童,赴美留学,后进入哥伦比亚大学学习,于 1881 年归国。
蔡廷干(1861 - 1935)
留美幼童之一, 1881 年回国后,受派到天津学堂学习有关理论知识和操作技术,毕业后派往福建水师当士官进入政坛。
梁诚(1864 - 1917)
李恩富(1861 - 1938)
第二批留美幼童,1881年被召回后,在传教士帮助下三年后重返美国耶鲁大学就读,毕业后出版《我的童年在中国度过》(When I Was a Boy in China)。