Episode 15: “How To Meet The Needs of Your Family And Engage Your Community”
Welcome to Episode 15 of the Dads Parenting Boldy Podcast.
In this episode, Seemore Johnson and I discuss How to impact your family and your community around you.
So if you want to learn how to develop your passion in your life and in the lives of others around you, learn how to figure out what that means for your life personally, and learn how to make the process manageable so you can learn how this process has the potential to develop inner growth, tune in now!
In this episode, you'll discover:
“How To Meet The Needs of Your Family And Engage Your Community”
- How to strive to meet the needs of your family
- How to impact your family and the community around you
- The importance of it
- Learn what tools it takes to provide this environment
- How to navigate through it when it seems to not work
- How to help your kid live their dreams with balance
About Us
Seemore Johnson is an expert in parenting whose accomplishments include:
Co-Fundador, Formador y Coach de Vida certificado, Motivador inspiracional, formador y conferencista especializado en temas de desarrollo personal.
Dentro su filosofía de vida, Seemore piensa que la misión de todos los seres humanos es ayudar a sus semejantes a tener una mejor calidad de vida, por lo que ha establecido como propósito de su existencia, ayudar, motivar e inspirar a todos aquellas personas que entren en contacto con él, y que se encuentren en busca o tengan la necesidad de realizar cambios duraderos en sus vidas. Y todo esto a través del coaching y el desarrollo personal.
More Information
Learn more about how you can improve your results with parenting with www.DadsParentingBoldly.com
Parenting Links & Mentions From This Episode:
5 Human Needs Tony robbins
Andrew Hooverman
Study Coaching....it also helps with your personal development.
Find Seemore Johnson social media platforms by typing in his name, but also at link below.
Thanks for Tuning In!
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