Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Joe Rosenstein looks at Masechet Nazir, Daf 8.
Yesterday’s daf focused on the implications of the person’s vow on the length of his or her n’zirut if the vow mentioned duration. Today’s daf focuses on the implications of the person’s vow if it specifies the n’zirut not in terms of time, but in terms of other measures. For example, what happens if a person vows to be a nazir like the sand at the sea or like the capacity of a basket? Does such a vow refer to the number of days of n’zirut or the number of terms of n’zirut? After completing the discussion of the text on today’s daf, we discuss briefly the question of what it would mean for us to consecrate ourselves to God in a way that the nazir apparently did in ancient times. This completes Chapter 1 of Tractate Nazir and so we close with an appropriate celebration.