There will surely be difficult times ahead of you. As I move upon the Earth to prepare hearts and circumstances, many will find themselves in very difficult situations. Do not fear the shaking or the sifting, for all these things must happen. So dig deep, prepare fully, and trust and know these difficult times will surely come, but they are just the birth pains. They are just the beginning. They are but a harbinger. These siftings are for preparation for the main events coming in the future. (1)
Know, you are not alone. You are going through all these things with others. Know also, I am with you still. I am here to guide, assist, and govern you in the tasks and trials that will surely come knocking on your door. In these days, the sifting will shake all things that can be shaken, but my spirit will be with you and will guide you, making the crooked paths straight. And while many of you would rather simply hide and wait for it to pass, as if this were a storm, know these difficulties and trials will come knocking on your door, ready or not. (2)
As I have said in the past, those with wisdom will make themselves ready now, for these shakings will come and find you. They will be upon you whether you are looking for them or not. Whether you are ready for them or not they are coming, and they will come swiftly and quickly before you know it. This is the very reason why I am sounding the alarm now, so you will have time to prepare yourself. If you are wise and take action you will not be caught unprepared. (3)
I am calling you now to the place of safety, which is close to my side. This place of safety will require things of you, but these requirements will not feel familiar to you. It will seem foreign to many of you, and as a result some will not finish the course, though it would save you. The itching ears of this generation will be prone to return to the ways of comfort as they follow the spirit of this age. (4)
The place of safety will be just like what you already know to be true, just as it has been written in my word. The place of safety will protect you, though it will seem costly. Though all these things will be shaken, and the price will seem high, the reward will be great. And when it is done, when these days of turmoil, transition, and shaking have passed, the perceived cost will seem small. There is great adventure, spoils, and satisfaction for those who will surrender to the call placed upon their life, and follow the lead of my spirit. (5)
For those willing to submit themselves to the plans laid before them, they will surely drink of the cup of my reward. The process of shaking, though it seems scary, will be effective. It will accomplish all the things I have intended for it to accomplish. (6)
Your minds will be in awe and amazement as these events unfold and circumstances work to create, but also release, pressure strategically. Those with eyes will see my hand at work, and those with ears will hear my voice, as I whisper. I will speak ever-so-clearly through these events, and all the messages will be clear. There will be no question for those who have taken the time to learn my voice, for there will be no mystery to those who know me by my spirit. (7)
(1) John 16:21, Psalm 51:10, Ezekiel 36:26, John 12:24
(2) Isaiah 41:10, Genesis 2:18, James 1:12, 1 Peter 4:12
(3) Matthew 24:44, 1 John 2:27, John 14:3
(4) 2 Timothy 4:18, Joshua 1:9, Proverbs 18:10, 2 Timothy 4:3-4
(5) 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Hebrews 11:6, Colossians 3:23-24
(6) James 4:7, Isaiah 55:11
(7) 1 Corinthians 2:9, Matthew 6:22, Psalm 119:18, 1 Corinthians 2:11
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