This is a final recap of this journey and my cousin who was missing. My efforts paid off and I finally found her alive, safe but in hiding. My uncle disowns me though I leave the door open for his repentance. I discuss the Jehovah's Witness policies that are harmful to millions of families around the world. Fortunately, for those truly awake we can see their darkened veil of deception and control collapsing. Through the many international court cases like the Australian Royal Commission into institutional responses to Child sexual abuse: Full Report into the Jehovah's Witness released. Summerized: The Royal Commission found children are not adequately protected from the risk of child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witness organisation and does not believe the organisation responds adequately to allegations of child sexual abuse. From the evidence presented, the Royal Commission considers the Jehovah’s Witness organisation relies on outdated policies and practices to respond to allegations of child sexual abuse which were not subject to ongoing and continuous review. Included in these was the organisation’s retention and continued application of policies such as the two-witness rule in cases of child sexual abuse which, the Royal Commission considered, showed a serious lack of understanding of the nature of child sexual abuse. It noted the rule, which the Jehovah’s Witness organisation relies on, and applies inflexibly even in the context of child sexual abuse, was devised more than 2,000 years ago.
The Royal Commission found the Jehovah’s Witness organisation’s internal disciplinary system for addressing complaints of child sexual abuse was not child or survivor focused. Survivors are offered little or no choice in how their complaint is addressed, sanctions are weak with little regard to the risk of the perpetrator re-offending.
Finally, the Royal Commission considered the organisation’s general practice of not reporting serious instances of child sexual abuse to policy or authorities, demonstrated a serious failure on its part to provide for the safety and protection of children.
As I reflect back on the previous month of this Podcast. I realize not only was it an unleashing of my burden of truth. But it's been a journey toward a new beginning. Again I want to thank everyone for listening if you have made it this far I commend you. I know it's not an easy listen. If you are normal and have a heart this podcast will take you through a series of emotions. This was a very difficult learning curve for me and I am in essence putting in a lot of time and effort into revealing this truth at potential risk to my safety by exposing this organization. As I look ahead to Season 2. I see a new life and chapter ahead for me in real time. I'll be sure to intermix that with my life story to keep you all on your toes. And allow you all to get to know me better. Which if you can imagine my perspective and how I was raised it was never easy for me to do. That's clearly changed in me.
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