In this episode, we talk about some interesting stories that have been taking place recently. Join us as we reveal why Trump may be irrelevant in today’s world and Tim’s experience with a gay client at the workplace. Want to know the most exciting games coming out soon? Tune in to find out more as we share some of the most exciting trailers we have been watching.
[02:42] Did Trump accidentally legalize a strain of weed?
[05:01] Has Trump become irrelevant today?
[07:55] Check out this new game!
[09:35] Tim’s crazy story at work
[15:24] Do you know the difference between simping and pimping?
[16:15] Does Allan’s wife get a share of his earnings?
[18:30] Who’s watching 4k videos right now? Anything good released?
[21:11] Coming soon games
[21:23] Harry Porter Hogwarts Legacy
[23:05] Home Alone
[24:18] Netflix’s coming up movie (Live action).
[26:50] Dragonball Evolution
[28:48] How does Adderall affect young kids?
[30:32] Trailers for coming soon games
[34:55] Chivalry II
[37:48] Let’s make our own game
[44:37] Dungeons and Dragons Dark Alliance
[47:03] Genital Jousting on Steam
[50:58] Elite Dangerous
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