It’s estimated that investments in Connected TV (“CTV”) grew 40.6% year over year in 2020. Advertisers and marketers have their eyes on this as a hot possibility for connecting with their target audience and rightfully so as more people have moved away from broadcast television subscriptions.
But the new nature of this vertical and the innate challenges with data capture and analysis will prove problematic for advertisers, according to Mobilewalla’s CEO Anindya Datta and their VP of Sales-CPG, Jim Mahoney. While the movement of eyeballs to CTV has driven budgets to follow that movement, it’s not an equal transition of accurate data. There are many more complex factors to think about when advertising through CTV.
Since it’s not comparing apples to apples, marketers have to consider unique practices and influencing factors when evaluating ad spend and performance. While it’s likely that new methods of capture and measurement will emerge, but for now there are more questions than answers.
During this episode, those challenges and possibilities are explored and discussed covering topics like scarcity, fragmentation, privacy, diversity, and measurement.