'Using 'Password' as your password is like wearing a net during winter'.
A survey has shown that 'Password' is the most popular password used. If you fall into this category, we made this episode for you. Victoria Oloni has a chat with Confidence Staveley, a cybersecurity expert and founder of the CyberSafe Foundation https://cybersafefoundation.org/. Her wealth of experience garnered across diverse sectors, including consulting, education, banking, and government, has distinguished her as a leading female voice in the African technological space. Confidence has achieved many professional certifications and industry recognitions. She is a Cybersecurity Woman of the Year 2021 Finalist, and a Top 50 Women in Cybersecurity Africa 2020 Finalist. Through CyberSafe Foundation and its flagship #NoFallMaga initiative - https://nofallmaga.org/, she is combatting digital fraud perpetrated through social engineering, by delivering simple, relatable cybersecurity education across Nigeria and beyond.
The discussion in this episode covers:
How she got into tech, then cybersecurity
what cybersecurity is
the importance of using unique passwords and strong password practices
forms of cyberattack
the risks of giving personal details for online giveaways
safe practices for public wi-fi
staying safe while using VPNs
To find out more on the CyberGirls Fellowship, check https://cybergirls.cybersafefoundation.org/ If you'd like to donate laptops for the CyberGirls, you can reach Confidence on any of her socials.
You can follow Confidence Staveley on social media.
Twitter - www.twitter.com/sisinerdtweets
Instagram - www.instagram.com/sisinerd
LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/confidencestaveley
PS: Since the last episode, our dear host, Victoria Oloni, passed the Bar Finals and finished and was one of 20 students to finish with a First Class out of a class of over 5,700. She has been called to the Nigerian Bar. So cause trouble, Victoria has your back - prepare for billing though :)