Data is more and more used by policy-makers to devise their politics of intervention on economic, social and cultural rights. But these data are often incomplete, inaccurate, and gathered without the participation of the people whose lives will be affected by those decisions. We spoke with Francesca Feruglio and Erica Murphy, from the International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net).
Francesca Feruglio is the coordinator of the Monitoring Working Group of the ESCR-Net. Before ESCR-Net, she was a Research Officer at the Institute of Development Studies in the UK. Francesca also co-founded Nazdeek, a legal empowerment organization in India and has been involved in research, advocacy and capacity building with several grassroots groups, international NGOs. Her work focuses on socio-economic rights and issues around citizens’ participation in democratic governance.
Erica Murphy is an independent human rights consultant and until recently a member of the ESCR-Net monitoring working group with the Right to Education Initiative - a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting education as a human right. She is currently involved in the drafting of the collective position on a human rights-based approach to data for economic, social, and cultural rights with the ESCR-Net monitoring working group.
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