Length 1:04:56
"We missed you soooooo much! In all seriousness, we're finally back after a long hiatus and we're so glad to be back. Join Splicepoint and Danimal in catching up on what's been going on for the last few months. We talk Gamescom, CitizenCon, and touch on the beginning of CIG's 4th Anniversary!"
0:00 Intro - Welcome Back
2:48 Broken Radar
3:08 Happy Hour
6:30 Toast (El Danimale)
7:01 Toast (Splicepoint)
8:03 Comms: Procedural Generation
11:05 Comms: CIG Releasing Internal Schedule
12:30 Comms: Patch 2.6 (Incl. Star Marine)
19:15 Comms: Ship Sales - UEE War Bond Editions
20:50 Tangent: EVE Online now F2P
25:15 Comms: Timeline & Ships (Cutlass Rework, Pipeline, Sales)
41:25 Comms: Tevarin
45:30 Comms: Anniversary
47:20 GTYSPWWTPSC (Overwatch, Rocket League, Planet Coaster, Wow:Legion, Golfing With Friends, The Division, Dark Souls, This Is The Police, EVE: Valkyrie)
55:37 HOTAS Talk
1:02:55 Outro, Credits, Housekeeping
Audio Credits:
Production Note: "Danimal cut the show together and, let's be honest, he's rusty. Send your complaints his way. Also - we're glad to back. Come hang with us in discord, we never left over there!" - Splicepoint
Let us know what you thought about the show!
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