- O Lord, give me the grace to serve Thy loved ones.
They that are the followers of the one true God, shall, at the moment they depart out of this life, experience such joy and gladness as would be impossible to describe.Bring together and keep all families in perfect unity of love and mutual support…. And for their occasional failures, instill forgiveness and peace.O my God, my Lord and my Master, I have detached myself from my kindred, and have sought, through Tee, to become independent of all that dwell on earth, and ever ready to receive that which is praiseworthy in Thy sight.O thou forgiving God, forgive the sins of my loving mother. Pardon her shortcomings. Cast upon her the glance of Thy gracious providence, and enable her to gain admittance into Thy kingdom.According to the teachings of Baha’u’llah, the family, being a human unit, must be educated according to the rules of sanctity. All the virtues must be taught.If a man, in his own home, doth not treat his relations and friends with entire trustworthiness and integrity, his dealings with the outside world … will prove barren and unproductive.All men are servants of one God. One God reigns over all the nations of the world, and has pleasure in all of His children.Forgive us, and our fathers, and our mothers, and fulfill whaatsoever we have desired from the ocean of Thy grace and divine generosity.Rely upon God. Trust in Him. Praise Him, and call him continually to mind.