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With the US election approaching, our presenters will compare the tax policy platforms of Democrats and Republicans and examine what kinds of tax legislative changes may be possible in a divided government this year, as well as looking ahead to tax policy decisions lawmakers will face in 2025. With future tax policy decisions and the political landscape so uncertain, how may the election outcomes affect your organisation? In this Dbriefs AP webcast, we covered Political dynamics of the 118th (current) Congress, Pillar Two: political dynamics of US implementation, Key tax proposal in the President’s FY2025 budget and other related issues. (Live Presentation was aired on 5 September 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.The Australian federal and state governments are targeting construction of 1.2 million new homes over 5 years, with proposed and existing tax concessions for investors in new build to rent projects. In this regard, this Dbriefs AP webcast will provide an overview of the Australian residential sector, tax incentives for build to rent developments, and an update on recent state and federal tax changes impacting investment in real estate. (Live Presentation was aired on 29 August 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.Australia’s new thin capitalization rules are effective for income years commencing on or after 1 July 2023 and have the potential to significantly impact interest deductibility for real estate investments. Understanding the changes, modelling the impacts, and implementing appropriate restructuring options is crucial to supporting interest deductibility. This Dbriefs AP webcast covers an overview on the new thin capitalization rules, and comparison with the previous rules, Third party debt test, Examples of common issues for inbound real estate investments and new debt deduction creation rules. (Live Presentation was aired on 1 August 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.香港立法会刚于2024年6月26日通过专利盒税务优惠条例草案。新实施的专利盒税务优惠是香港政府为促进香港的研究和开发活动,以及知识产权的创建而提出的重大举措。在此税务优惠下,从专利权获得的具资格收入,包括产品或服务销售价格中嵌入的有关专利收入,可以享受5%的税率优惠,大幅低于标准利得税率16.5%。专利盒以及研发费用加计扣除等税务优惠预计将为企业投资研发和创建更多知识产权提供强大的动力。值得注意的是,如能善加利用,专利盒税务优惠有可能适用于较为广泛的行业,而非局限于少数传统观念中的高科技行业。这意味着不同行业的企业都有可能从此项税务优惠中有所受益。 德勤诚挚邀请您参加我们的“善用香港新专利盒税务优惠“的线上研讨会,届时我们的演讲嘉宾会提供关于新专利盒税务优惠的介绍,并分享如何充分利用此优惠的实用技巧和策略。 (Live Presentation was aired on 30 July 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.The Bill on the patent box tax concession was passed by the Legislative Council on 26 June 2024. This newly implemented tax concession is a significant initiative introduced by the Hong Kong government to foster research and development (R&D) activities and the creation of intellectual property (IP) in the city. Under this concession, qualifying income from an IP (e.g., patent), including embedded income in sales price of product or service, can enjoy a preferential tax rate of 5%. This is a substantial reduction from the standard corporate tax rate of 16.5%. Together with the enhanced deduction of qualifying R&D expenditures, it aims at incentivizing businesses to invest in R&D, create IPs and generate economic benefits from them in Hong Kong. In this Dbriefs AP webcast, we covered an overview of new patent box tax concession, potential application of patent box tax concession, practical tips and strategies on how to leverage this concession to explore opportunities and enjoy potential benefits. (Live Presentation was aired on 24 July 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.With 75+ countries and jurisdictions gearing up for e-invoicing mandates, it’s imperative to stay ahead of the changes and prepare your organisation for the upcoming shifts. In this Dbriefs webcast in collaboration with Pagero we delved into e-invoicing compliance around the world, with a special focus on developments in the Asia-Pacific region. Also, experts provided Overview of e-invoicing – how it works and key benefits. (Live Presentation was aired on 23 April 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.In the recently delivered budget of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), government has rolled out a number of measures on how the city can promote sustainable growth in traditional & emerging industries, as well as forward-looking tax policy and incentives in attracting investment.This webcast focused on tax reduction and relief measures announced for the public, strengthening Hong Kong's position as an international financial and asset management center, and measures to encourage investments to foster sustainable development of Hong Kong. (Live Presentation was aired on 12 March 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is now mainstream and has quickly become a key framework that investors, employees and the wider community rely on for making critical decisions. ESG is now significantly influencing how total reward and pay arrangements for executives and employees are designed and operated.In this Dbriefs webcast, our experts discussed on why ESG is here to stay, designing Total Reward offerings that align with your ESG strategies, rewarding in the “right way” and preparing for external scrutiny in how your determine, manage and govern reward arrangements. (Live Presentation was aired on 5 March 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.In response to global shifts triggered by the pandemic and geopolitical tensions, Japan recognizes the need for bold economic changes. The impact of inflation, the imperative to domestically produce certain goods that are strategic to future economic prosperity and promote IP, and the curtailing of tax abuses are key challenges addressed by the 2024 tax reform.During this webcast, our experts discussed about factor based enterprise tax , Japan’s indirect tax regime, promotion of R&D, IP Box regime and other themes related to Japan tax reform. (Live Presentation was aired on 15 February 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.With recent shifts in capital markets and a shrinking public company market, private equity has evolved as an investment option in Asia Pacific, leading to strong growth in the industry over the last decade.So, Private equity firms and portfolio companies must navigate an increasingly complex, and rapidly changing, transfer pricing landscape across Asia Pacific. This Dbriefs session focused on, typical fund transfer pricing structures, Transfer pricing methodologies and policies as well as the current focus of tax authorities and advance pricing arrangements. (Live Presentation was aired on 1 February 2024)
Click the icon below to watch.The podcast currently has 128 episodes available.