MC Gavin Duffy leads the panel on the discussion on resilience in Irish Family Business. Panelists Vincent Cleary, MD Gelnisk; Kevin O'Connor, Chair, General Paints Ltd, Trevor Annon, MD Mount Charles Group, Gavin Annon Sales & Marketing Director, Mount Charles Group, Dr Catherine Faherty, DCU, Professor Maura McAdam, DCU and Lorraine Greene, Head of Market Engagement, AIB as part of the 2022 DCU NCFB Annual Conference - Continuity through Regeneration and Resilience - the key metrics of success and sustainability in Irish Family Businesses which was held at The Helix on 20th October 2022 Building on the Centre’s previous conferences and the launch of ground breaking new research, this conference focuses on the Regenerative Power of Family Businesses. This conference provides viewers with insights on how resilience and regeneration is key to continuity, success and sustainability of their Family Business. Family businesses are a complex and highly resourceful business type. Knowledge, learnings, resources, values and traditions pass across generations of a family utilising strategic resources and capabilities (termed ‘familiness’). This ‘familiness’ makes family firms distinctive and even gives them a competitive advantage. Family businesses are often, viewed in terms of its ‘specialised multigenerational knowledge’, for example, whiskey brewing or sauce making or special technology or commercial know-how. Family Businesses identity are often perceived by, consumers as favourable or uniquely qualified to do business. Family Business structure are also unique.