Holy balls, we made it to 100 episodes! Yay! Unfortunately, we were being so utterly professional that we forgot this podcast was in fact our century milestone. So there's no cake. Booo! There is, however, a great big natter about the PlayStation Experience, Street Fighter exclusivity, Final Fantasy VII, the disappointment also know as The Crew, and winning weeks for Microsoft and Nintendo. We'll get some cake in for the next one. Game Buzz | Episode 100 - Ubisoft Killed Tiny Tim. Recorded 12th December, 2014. Parental Advisory: We've tried to keep it as conversational and informal as possible, and you should be warned that there may be some instances of strong language, dreadful impressions, and terrible puns. Want more? Check out the rest of our PWNCAST posts onsite, hit us up on iTunes, or subscribe to the PWNCAST Feed here. Ubisoft Killed Tiny Tim - Game Buzz #100 is a post from: Dealspwn.com