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A podcast dedicated to encouraging you in your walk with Christ in intention, sincerity, boldness, and courage.... more
FAQs about Dear Sparrows:How many episodes does Dear Sparrows have?The podcast currently has 67 episodes available.
September 09, 2019Transition SeasonAs we go from Summer to Fall, how can that be symbolic of us spiritually? ...more10minPlay
August 26, 2019Proverbs 31 Final WeekThis week we wrap up our summer series through Proverbs 31! ...more19minPlay
August 12, 2019Proverbs 31 Week 5- SowingWhat does it mean to sow into the life God has given us? Through time, ministry, and heart position to become the women He intended us to be. ...more12minPlay
July 29, 2019Proverbs 31 Week 4What does it mean to be a good steward of money? Join us August 10th at Redemption Books for a speaking event! Insta: CallyLogan For more info on the Creative Writing Course: [email protected]...more14minPlay
July 15, 2019Proverbs 31 Week 3Proverbs woman of cooking and hard work are explored this week! For more information for the Creative Writing class: [email protected]Give us feedback! Insta: @CallyLogan...more15minPlay
July 01, 2019An Able WomanWe dive deeper into Proverbs 31 to see what it means to be an able woman of great character. ...more25minPlay
June 17, 2019Noble Character lifeWhat does it mean to be a person of Noble Character and to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves? ...more19minPlay
June 03, 2019Holy RestWhat does it really look like to have a rest beyond sleep? Our bodies require sleep for rest, but what do our spirits require? ...more23minPlay
May 20, 2019CommunityBased off of, "Life Together" by Bonhoeffer, what does community really look like? ...more28minPlay
May 06, 2019Unveiled Life Week 9In our final week of the Unveiled Life series we are joined by, Christina, for some laughs, authentic truth, and reminders of how God truly sees us ...more37minPlay
FAQs about Dear Sparrows:How many episodes does Dear Sparrows have?The podcast currently has 67 episodes available.