Finding yourself with unmanageable debt doesn't usually happen overnight. It is often a slow unnoticeable process that might start with being a few hundred dollars short every month. But the sooner you take action, the more options will be available. You’ll have the ability to make decisions before your creditors do.
If you think you are alone in this scenario, you would be mistaken. Licensed Insolvency Trustee, David Macdonald talks about taking a good look at your finances. How do you know how much debt is too much debt? David also covers:
- Debt statistics - what happened after the pandemic
- The role banks are playing in the debt crisis
- Warning signs that let you know it’s time to seek professional help
- Using credit for day to day expenses
- Is overdraft protection really protecting you?
- Options that can help break the debt cycle
- Resources that can help with financial literacy
Federally regulated, Licensed Insolvency Trustees are knowledgeable in all aspects of debt management. You can be assured you are receiving the best unbiased advice from these knowledgeable debt professionals.
About David Macdonald
David Macdonald has been helping people and small business owners resolve their financial problems since 2003 in British Columbia, Alberta and the Maritime provinces. He has been retained as a trusted advisor and service provider by many of Canada’s banks, private lenders, First Nations and the CRA.
David brings a practical, down-to-earth approach to his work, without judgement. In his spare time he volunteers his time to a number of charitable and non profit organizations.
Additional Resources
- Allan Marshall & Associates Licensed Insolvency Trustee
- Financial Management: Warning Signs Of Financial Problems
- Solutions to Financial Problems – Free Consultation & Debt Services