Why do those who know the least about technology often have the most power to misuse it? We try to answer that question this week in a discussion of the debate over mandated security backdoors currently raging between media outlets and technologists. We also discuss the role of historical revisionism and examples of how a decentralist critique can add to our understanding of the role of power and freedom in the past.
Our guest this week is Steve Dekorte, creator of decentralized marketplace [BitMarkets][bitmarkets] and lead developer at [Voluntary.net][voluntary.net]. We discuss the challenges and promises of uncensored trade, the proper place of anonymity and identity, and the philosophy driving the work of the Voluntary.net team.
Special Guest: [Steve Dekorte][steve]
Hosted By: [Tony Sakich][tony], [James Walpole][james], & [Eric Martindale][eric]
Produced By: [Chaz Ferguson][chaz]
Music By: [Toni Leys][toni]
Want to watch our interviews live? [Follow us on Google Plus][decentralize] to join our Hangouts on Air every Tuesday at 6:30 PM ET.
Check out these links from this week's show:
##Technology, Ignorance, and Control
["Technology Is Magic, Just Ask The Washington Post" by Jon Evans][techcrunch]
["Keys Under Doormats: Mandating Insecurity by Requiring Government Access to All Data and Communication"][keys]
[Liquid Democracy][liquid democracy]
##Revisionist History
[Ludwig von Mises on History [from *Human Action*]][mises]
[*The Triumph of Conservatism* by Gabriel Kolko [PDF]][conservatism]
["Generalissimo Washington: How He Crushed The Spirit of Liberty" by Murray Rothbard][washington]
[*Against Intellectual Monopoly* by David Levine and Michele Boldrin [PDF]][intellectual]
##Voluntary.net and BitMarkets
[Download and Use BitMarkets][bitmarkets]
[Contribute to Voluntary.net on GitHub][github]
[Follow Voluntary.net on Twitter][twitter]
[steve]: https://twitter.com/stevedekorte
[tony]: https://twitter.com/TonySwish
[eric]: https://twitter.com/martindale
[james]: https://twitter.com/JamesLWalpole
[chaz]: https://twitter.com/unchaz
[toni]: https://soundcloud.com/tonileys
[bitmarkets]: https://voluntary.net/bitmarkets/
[voluntary.net]: https://voluntary.net/
[washington]: https://mises.org/library/generalissimo-washington-how-he-crushed-spirit-liberty
[intellectual]: http://www.dklevine.com/papers/imbookfinalall.pdf
[conservatism]: http://www.libertarianismo.org/livros/gkttoc.pdf
[mises]: http://www.econlib.org/library/Mises/HmA/msHmA2.html
[liquid democracy]: http://www.shareable.net/blog/liquid-democracy-the-app-that-turns-everyone-into-a-politician
[techcrunch]: http://techcrunch.com/2015/07/25/technology-is-magic-just-ask-the-washington-post/
[keys]: http://www.crypto.com/papers/Keys_Under_Doormats_FINAL.pdf
[github]: https://github.com/Voluntarynet
[twitter]: https://twitter.com/voluntarynet
[decentralize]: https://plus.google.com/b/112799215242542928928/112799215242542928928/posts