In this episode, I cover off on how we mistakenly observe and reflect on the events and results of our lives to then validate how we think and feel about ourselves. How our predominant thoughts create feelings and emotions which in turn drives behavior (actions), our behaviors produce results and outcomes that we then reflect upon to validate our thoughts. This cycle of thoughts, feelings, behaviors, results, reflection and then looping back around to thoughts is a key concept to look into if one is to improve results and outcomes. In order to evolve and head towards greater possibility ie relationships, finances, health, career, business, creative, fun & adventure etc, acknowledging that our predominant thoughts, is actually one of the key foundations to facilitating change. Who we believe ourselves to be (self image) is another foundational principal that drives our thoughts, which ignites the cycle towards feelings, behavior, results and then reflection. This monologue scratches the surface on really large topics and the intent is to begin a "conversation" about how we can intervene in the the cycle to produce different outcomes in our lives.