This show is dedicated to the undying spirit of my late friend and brother, Xolani Edwana. The songs selected here are both a farewell and a reminder of the positive and energetic spirit that he was. #RIPXE
Track List:
1) Martin Iveson (Atjazz) - 13.10.11 13.11.11
2) DJ Pope, Marc Evans - Live It Up (DJ Pope Full Vocal Mix)
3) Chromaticsoul, Musa, Semitone - Love Fantasy (Original Mix)
4) Myaziston - Reaching (Original Mix)
5) Enosoul & Ntate Tshego ft. Dearson - Struggles & Pains
6) Oscar Mbo, SGVO, Seko - Grateful
7) Chromaticsoul, Dearson, Mothabe - School Days (Original Mix)
8) Laroye - Be The Change
9) Brian Power ft. Lucita Jules - Optimistic (Michael Gray Remix)
10) Randy Roberts & Richard Burton - Stairway To Heaven (DJ Spen & Thommy's Direct Drive Mix)