Here is a live recording from the inner flute breathing.
Why you want to do this practice:
In this practice you learn how to build up (sexual) energy in the base and spread it throughout your body.
In this way you can transform the raw energy of the base into the more refined energy of the upper parts of the body.
And also nice: you can spread the nice sensations of the genital area all the way throughout your body. Activating the orgasmic capacity of the whole body. Not a bad thing.How to do the 'Inner flute' breathing:
Breathe in and out through the mouth
Breathe in as if through a straw
On the in breath, feel or visualise energy flowing into you body via your perineum
Let the energy fill up the pelvic floor and the low belly
Draw the energy up towards the heart and maybe higher to the crown
On the out breath let the energy flow down and out of the perineumOptional extras to stimulate the energy flow:
Rock your pelvis and arch your back on the in breath, let go on the out breath
Close mula bandha (pelvic floor muscle) on the in breath, let go on the out breath
Eye lock: When the energy passes between your eyebrows (third eye) look inwardly towards your third eye to push the energy up further
Use your hands to guide the energy up and down
You can do this practice laying down or sitting up.
This whole exercise thrives on the subtle balance of relaxation and engagement. Experiment and balance your natural tendancy. When you see you are working very hard, try to relax and don't do so much for a little while. When you feel you are drifting away, see if you can wake up your system with some fuller breaths.
This practice works beautifully with gentle self pleasuring and massage.