with Christina Anderson, Olivia Marve, and Lara Kahn
This podcast mobilizes Warsan Shire’s book of poems titled
“Teaching my Mother How to Give Birth” to explore how diasporic
belonging intersects with her experiences of gender, race, and
sexuality as a first-generation immigrant from Somalia. We begin with
an overview of Shire’s personal background with migration and delve
into how these experiences of becoming a diasporic subject influence
her writing. From there, we discuss the meaning of diaspora and how we
are able to use this understanding as an analytical tool for reading
Shire’s work and uncovering her diasporic subjectivity. We use this
foundation to inform our individual analysis of her poems “Fire,”
“Birds,” and “Conversations About Home,” and invite listeners to
explore our own personal reactions to these works. In sum, this podcast
explores the gendered nature of diaspora and exposes how Warsan
Shire’struth about the nature of violence in war and her struggles with
assimilation represent a particular articulation of diasporic