If you've ever woken up with a sour taste in your mouth, you've experienced first hand the effects of nighttime bacteria. Usually, we refer to this phenomenon as morning breath, and it's incredibly common. And fortunately, there are effective ways to decrease and eliminate morning breath, primary by eliminating some of the nighttime bacteria living in your mouth. And taking steps to eliminate this nighttime bacteria will also result in an overall healthier mouth as well.
In this podcast episode, we go over why nighttime bacteria thrive in your mouth, and why during the night it feeds differently to cause morning breath. We also give you specific, actionable steps to ensure proper dental care, especially at night. This will immediately help you take better care of your mouth, gums, teeth, and tongue. And it will cut down on the amount of nighttime bacteria you have in your mouth. So if you'd like to wake up with sweeter smelling breath, check out this podcast episode today! And for more info, head here: https://www.starbritedentalrockville.com/dentist-rockville-md/oral-health-nighttime-bacteria
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