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The greatest factor in determining the success of your dental practice is how well you develop yourself as a leader.Join Steve Dove, DDS and Bryan Crawford as they discuss leadership, mindset, habit... more
FAQs about Dental Leadership Academy:How many episodes does Dental Leadership Academy have?The podcast currently has 8 episodes available.
March 10, 2020Marketing Your Practice (What You Should Really Be Doing)We currently get about a 16 to 1 return on ad spend for one of Steve's offices. In this episode, we go over what we are doing, why it works and how to keep from getting held over a barrel by marketing companies....more26minPlay
January 29, 2020Kelly Dove, DDS - Female Leadership. How To Lead And Be SuccessfulIn this episode, Steve’s wife, Dr. Kelly Dove unpacks her secrets to leading a successful practice and overcoming the challenges that many women face as leaders.This is an AMAZING episode with tons of gold for that both male and female practice owners. Get Your FREE Of Our Dental Practice Leadership Guide at:
January 29, 2020Dealing With Problems As A Practice LeaderOne of the toughest things about being a leader in a practice is dealing with the challenges that arise. Employees issues, patient issues, problems you face with the business itself, etc. Here we give you a quick framework that Steve uses in his practices when dealing with problems. Get Your FREE Of Our Dental Practice Leadership Guide at:
January 28, 2020The Circle You Keep & The Impact It Has On Yourself, Your Family And Your PracticeThis is HARD HITTING and Bryan does not pull any punches.We have all heard that your association matters. In this episode, we discuss the 5 filters we use when determining who we allow in our circle. Get Your FREE Of Our Dental Practice Leadership Guide at:
January 28, 2020The Art Of Planning. How To Get Stuff DoneMost people fall to accomplish what they want to simply because they fail to plan properly. In this episode, we dive into planning hacks (how we plan ourselves) and what you can do to skyrocket your productivity.Get Your FREE Of Our Dental Practice Leadership Guide at:
January 28, 2020How Developing Yourself Affects Your Practice, Culture & GrowthIn this second part of our 2 part series with pull back the curtain on how Steve was able to completely transform his practice and life by developing himself as a leader and how you can do the same. Here we dive into specifically why and how developing yourself first, leads to many of the most common challenges found in a dental office, resolving themselves.Get Your FREE Of Our Dental Practice Leadership Guide at:
January 27, 2020(Part 2) How Developing Yourself Affects Your Practice, Culture & GrowthIn this second part of our 2 part series with pull back the curtain on how Steve was able to completely transform his practice and life by developing himself as a leader and how you can do the same. Here we dive into specifically why and how developing yourself first, leads to many of the most common challenges found in a dental office, resolving themselves.Get Your FREE Of Our Dental Practice Leadership Guide at:
January 27, 2020Steve’s Story (Part 1) - From Struggling Dentist To Thriving Multi Practice OwnerHere in part 1 of 2 we dive into Steve’s story of how he went from a struggling dentist to now having 2 thriving practices. One of them (a start-up) now does over 100 new patients per month with one doctor on only 4 days per week. And he was able to get it there in less than 6 months! We dive into what he did to take control of not only his practice but his life. You will be surprised to hear how quickly things changed from him once he became intentional in making one very specific decision....more19minPlay
FAQs about Dental Leadership Academy:How many episodes does Dental Leadership Academy have?The podcast currently has 8 episodes available.