Today, shoppers expect a consistent, unified retail experience, whether they interact with your brand in person or online. That requires retail inventory management strategies that let you market your brand experience so that customers don't see a difference between the warehouse, the store, or in between.
Creating a unified retail experience requires a few things, including:
• Instagrammable moments and brand experiences that get people off the Internet and into your store
• Connecting with your customers in the buying process with value adds like buy-now pay-later payment, flexible shipping options, etc.
• Smarter buying relationships with suppliers
• Insights to influence and adapt to multi-channel demand and build an authentic retail community
• Humanizing your beliefs through inclusion programs
• Technologies, like WMS, that support store inventory fulfillment to reduce shipping costs and stock problems, while improving customer experience
• Knowing the difference between out-of-the-box WMS solutions and those that bring game-changing capabilities like WMS customizations to the table
In Episode 4, we’ll dive into these retail inventory management strategies through the growth journey of special guest, EJ Luera.
EJ is the Co-founder and COO at Feature, a luxury retail sneaker and apparel brand with over 98,000 SKUs, whose grassroots brand experience led to rapid growth and transformation with Deposco’s advanced warehouse management system (WMS). You can learn more about Deposco Bright Warehouse WMS system here.