Question: Have You Ever Considered Why You Set Goals, that in all likelihood you never really meet?
Some of the most respected motivational speakers in the world people like Brian Tracy have laid out how important it is for us to set goals. But what if they are completely wrong?
How come so few people ever meet those goals? And worse still when you set a goal and Don’t hit it…do you tell yourself that you’re a failure or a loser?
Maybe the whole goal setting thing just doesn’t work, and we’ve all been going along hoping it would?
Just stop for a moment and think about the levels of joy and success in your life: Are they directly related to the achievement of your goals?
If they are, and you are NOT meeting the goals you set then logically wouldn’t that suggest that that your level of misery is related to your lack of achievement of those goals.
Derek Mills spent the first 18 years of his working life setting goals and failing miserably! He like most people had read the books, taken the courses and still woke up every morning feeling like if he could just hit “that” goal then he could be happy.
Then one night at around 10 PM, after working a grueling 14 hour day, someone asked him a simple question, a question that might have gone over any ones heads as “no biggie”, that was the moment he stopped for 10 seconds and developed a philosophy to live by.
Derek Mills is our guest the week on Dõv Baron’s Full Monty Leadership Show. Derek is the author of the brand new Hay House book “The 10 second Philosophy”… A practice Guide to Releasing Your Inner Genius”
From That point on Derek Changed his life and his finances around and within three years created his first million and the following year a million in one year.
Since 2010 he has catapulted into the high stratosphere of success appearing in newspapers and magazines across the UK and the US and was recently featured in the movie The Keeper of The Keys.
In this show Derek Mills with share with us why even though only 20% of the population bother to set goals, 70% of them fail to meet them.
Derek Says: Goals are a waste of time what you need are standards!
According to Derek, the respect you get in your world is equal to the standards you set.
He says to be a leader you must have crystal clear standard by which to live and do business.
This is just a small sampling of where this great interview goes.
Make sure you share this with your friends and tune in on Thursday May 16th @10:AM (Pac) 1:PM (EST)
Why? Because you are a leader!