Show Notes & Links
Kahlil and Henning talk to Jafar Husain about his origin story. If you listen to any episode of Descriptive make it this one!
This is the must-listen story in which Jafar takes us from batch programming Doom to writing JavaScript on the server before anyone else to many "failures" and victories to finally creating Falcor at Netflix which brings together all the lessons he learned along the way.
[00:00:00] Pre-show[00:03:50] Kahlil introduces Jafar Husain[00:04:09] Batch programming to run Doom on 486SX[00:05:11] Turing the programming language[00:08:58] First contact with JavaScript[00:15:57] Writing JavaScript on the server[00:20:46] Meta programming in JavaScript[00:22:27] .NET[00:24:36] Learning non-programming skills[00:34:10] Microsoft Office Platform for Software Development[00:41:48] A programming language is yet another tool[00:44:27] Getting into the web at Blast Radius[00:45:54] Paradigm shifts - Data is Code and Code is Data[01:07:00] Getting on the Silverlight team[01:17:26] What is the difference between an Event and a Stream?[01:28:19] Bringing RX to Netflix[01:31:18] Falcor[01:49:19] You need to be a triple threat as a developer[01:58:48] Go find a great manager[01:59:37] How to externalize passion[02:05:02] PicksLinks
Jafar Husain is @jhusain on TwitterTuring, the programming language)Rich Hickey - "Simple Made Easy"Transcript of "Simple Made Easy"F#Erik MeijerStructure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsStructure and Interpretation of Computer Programs video seriesProgramming with Circles, Triangles and RectanglesReactiveXFalcorReactive programming on Frontend MastersPicks
Jafar's picks:ClojureClojureScriptnode.jsStructure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsStructure and Interpretation of Computer Programs video seriesProgramming with Circles, Triangles and RectanglesRich Hickey - "Simple Made Easy"Henning's picks:Kahlil's picks:Angular ConnectGot feedback/suggestions/questions? Get in touch with us! on SlackKahlil Lechelt - @kahliltweetsHenning Glatter-Götz - @hglattergotz**