Episode 12 of Design and Play is a fantastic interview with Steve Glaveski, a long time friend of Design and Play. Steve is the CEO and Co-Founder of Collective Campus, an innovation hub, school and consultancy based in Melbourne and Singapore, an Amazon best-selling author, host of the hugely popular Future Squared podcast, keynote speaker and creator of the student entrepreneurship program, Lemonade stand.
Steve shares his podcast journey, including his growth hacks to make Future Squared an iTunes chart-topper. We take a deep dive into the power of Virtual assistants to reduce admin workload. Steve provides insight into how he keeps up his own learning. Whether it's listening to audiobooks on 2x, listening to a diverse range of podcasts, teaching to develop understanding, Steve's habits of mind are just world class.
We discuss the value of going analog to help with managing distractions, as well as the power of extreme ownership when it comes to leadership.
Authentic learning and learning by doing are throughlines for this whole episode and it is worth its weight in gold just for the show notes. If you are interested in learning how to learn, this episode is for you.
About Steve
Collective Campus
Future Squared podcast
Lemonade Stand
Lemonade Stand Online free trial - https://www.lemonadestand.rocks/lso
Show notes
Podcastfail - https://twitter.com/hashtag/podcastfail
Virtual Assistants
Fiverr - https://www.fiverr.com/
Upwork - https://www.upwork.com/
Feedly - https://feedly.com/
Harvard Business Review - https://hbr.org/
Enterprise Innovation -https://www.enterpriseinnovation.net/
Pareto Principle - https://stevebrophy.com.au/2017/08/12/to-do-lists-live-frogs-and-the-pareto-principle/
EduChange - http://www.educhange.com.au/
Peter Hutton - https://twitter.com/Tempcol
EdRevolution - http://edrevolution.hutton.education/
Distractions and notifications - https://innovativepedagogy.wordpress.com/2017/07/21/is-the-buzz-of-a-notification-good-for-you/
Extreme Ownership - https://www.amazon.com.au/Extreme-Ownership-U-S-Navy-SEALs-ebook/dp/B00VE4Y0Z2
Jocko Podcast - http://jockopodcast.com/
Jocko - Good - Jocko Motivation "GOOD" (From Jocko Podcast)
Clayton Christensen- http://www.claytonchristensen.com/
Innovators DNA - http://www.claytonchristensen.com/books/innovators-dna-mastering-skills-disruptive-innovators/
Future skills - http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2017/09/27/what-skills-do-students-need-to-be.html?cmp=soc-tw-shr
Kevin Kelly - http://kk.org/
The Inevitable - http://kk.org/books/the-inevitable/
Future Squared podcast interview with Kevin Kelly - http://www.futuresquared.xyz/podcast/episode-161-kevin-kelly-on-the-inevitable
Tim Ferris - https://tim.blog/podcast/
Learning how to learn : DiSSS (deconstruction, selection, sequencing, and stakes) - https://tim.blog/2016/10/06/the-art-and-science-of-learning-anything-faster/