En el episodio 119 suenan las siguientes canciones:
(1). La Buena Vida - Qué Puedo Hacer, Señor
(2). Quivers - Never be lonely
(3). Lael Neale - Electricity
(4). Beachwood Sparks - Wild swans
(5). Chime School - The end
(6). Late Bloomers - It's not enough
(7). LOWMOON - Closer
(8). Mt. Misery - Lunch break
(9). Sassyhiva - Kisrten Stewart
(10). The Chills - Molten gold
+ https://quiversss.bandcamp.com/album/oyster-cuts
+ https://laelneale.bandcamp.com/track/electricity
+ https://curation-records.bandcamp.com/album/across-the-river-of-stars
+ https://chimeschool.bandcamp.com
+ https://l8bloomers.bandcamp.com/album/its-not-enough-ill-meet-you-there
+ https://safesuburbanhomerecords.bandcamp.com/album/monochrome
+ https://mtmisery.bandcamp.com/track/lunch-break
+ https://sassyhiya.bandcamp.com/album/kristen-stewart
+ https://thechillsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/molten-gold