Show 10 of Destiny Echoes, “Paranormal Experiences of a Scientist Prove Our Spirits Are Immortal,” features Rick Tobin’s guest Cathi, a professional environmental scientist who has a lifetime of paranormal experiences that do not conflict with her understanding of science and the web of life.
Cathi shares her life-long involvement with paranormal events such as precognitive dreams before major events, haunting of a departed friend and her photos of orbs in a deeply haunted site overseas. She also discusses at least one past lifetime she has remembered, including the cause of death in that existence.
Cathi’s empathic insights have assisted her in a long career in environmental protection where she acts to protect the planet from those who wish to knowingly harm the balance of nature. Her sensitivities and insights have aided as tools in performing her career path to make the world a better and safer place. Now, she, like Rick, is making her previously hidden adventures in the paranormal, open for discussion on Destiny Echoes.
Cathi recommends other books for those having these experiences, including, The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People, by Judith Orloff.