🕯Theme: Lifting The Standard Of The Blood And The Holy Spirit To Secure 2025 Against Demonic Onslaught/ Incursions
📖Texts: Isaiah 59:19-21, Isaiah 54:17, Zechariah 9:8, 1 Peter 5:8
A. Isaiah 59:19 - Standard - Heb. noos
- That which puts the raging enemy to flight
- That which cause the enemy to flee/ vanish
- To chase the enemy away
- To drive the enemy away
B. The enemy coming like a flood
- Floodlike attack/ floodlike invasion/ floodlike onslaught
C. Onslaught - Fierce or destructive attack
- An overwhelming large number of people or things
Why floodlike attack
- Demon's invoke into the system in the year by various covenant renewals on various demonic altars
- Demons released from these altars into the atmosphere and environment
E. What is the assignment and mission of these demons
- Job 1:7
- Zechariah 9:8
They roam about looking for loopholes and opportunities
- in us
- in our environment to strike
And continue their wicked and evil acts against us
- To disadvantage us
- To dominate us
🛐The bible says in Isaiah 54:17... Any tongue that rises against me is condemned ... I declare, any evil curse, invocation released from any evil altar to settle me for less, rule over me...Let the voice of God shut them down and swallow them...
🛐No word spoken against me into 2025, any evil utterance that is meant against me (mention your name), my dream, stars, career, position... released from the camp of hell against me personally...I shut them down...
🛐Any altar being consulted against me, my dream, stars, destiny... in 2025
🛐I set the voice of God against that altar...Let the voice of God shut down and swallow that altar...
🛐Any incantation, evil utterance, curse being released from my parents' house, office, church... that has been made against me into 2025.Let the voice of God shut it down and swallow them...
🛐Anyone within the church/ family members, workplace that possess an evil tongue, Let the voice of God cut off that tongue...
🛐From now, I refuse to be a victim from any evil tongue. I am no longer a victim... My dream, star, destiny is no longer a victim to any evil/ wicked tongue...
🛐From tonight, I (mention your name), am no longer to any evil thought from my parent's house... Any thought that rises, let it be shut down and cut off...I am no longer a victim...
🛐Every evil/wicked tongue set against me, the church, my dream, destiny... wither, die and get frozen...Die now...
🛐From now... I secure myself, my family, destiny, my 2025... from the evil and wicked tongue...
🛐Any monitoring/ familiar spirit sent to monitor me into 2025 from my parent's home, the church... Let the voice of God shut them down...