In this episode of Dev8 Radio, Denz, Ram, and Sean talks about how to start your career as a developer, albeit with some sidetracking here and there. They also shared and discussed recent tech news like the new release of TypeScript and Apple's recent move for the Epic-Apple feud, answered questions sent to the podcast, and mused a bit on quantum mechanics.
Denzehl Homeres - GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter, Website
Ram Caceres - GitHub, LinkedIn
Sean Ballais - GitHub, Twitter, WebsiteWaray-Waray and English has been used during this episode.
Announcing TypeScript 4.0
Apple fires back in court, says Epic Games CEO asked for special treatment
Docker Desktop for Windows Stable Release notes
Join the Dev8 Community on Facebook
Highlights from Git 2.28
Introducing .NET 5
Loving Sieg (Denz's Spotify Playlist)
npm v7 Series - Beta Release! And: SemVer-Major Changes in npm v7If you have questions you would like us to answer during episodes of Dev8 Radio, you may send them via our form.
Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod